Wednesday, 27 June 2012

My last couple of months in photos

Micheal Kors Woman's Watch

Country Road Corduroy Jeans

Minkpink Home Tie-Dye Jumper

Rachel Gilbert

Rachel Gilbert

May Black Wedges

Cross Stitch Iphone Case

Posts in the last couple of months have been scarse so here is my quick atempt to catch you all up in my world of fashion! I'll start by going through each of these pictures. Alright number one, Micheal Kors watch. As you could probably remember I've been wanting a gold watch for a while now. I'd seen a few around but when I found this one I liked how it wasn't completely gold but instead as some people call it "sunglasses plastic". It's a great way to subtly incorporate animal print into my outfits though it did take some getting use to as it is HUGE!

Ok so the next being Country Road corduroys. I've posted about these ones before and I ended up buying them just in time for winter. They're great even though they can be debated as coloured jeans... Of course I would have to include something in here from one of my favorite designers, Minkpink! This time it's a tye-dye pull over and if you can remeber to a while back they are very similar to my tie-dye shorts. Even though Minkpink is one of my favourites, the designer of the dresses Rachel Gilbert is quickly becoming another favourite. I tried on one of her dresses (the black one)  out shopping the other day and I absalutely loved it! Even though she designs for formal wear I couldn't help but look up her series and fall in love with the longer pink version of the dress... Hopefully there'll be an event later this year where I will need a lovely new formal dress.

Ok so next is the May black wedges. I'd been eyeing off these babies for a while when one day a email popped into my inbox and told me that the lovely people at May were having a sale and that it just so happened the shoes I'd been wanting were half price... bliss! Lucky for me they had my size and were here within two days. Though I haven't yet had a chance to wear them and I am still trying to get a hang of walking in them (14cm heel can be bit tricky!).

The last but not least is my new Iphone case. My friend bought me the cross stitch kit about three months ago and I hadn't had a chance to start it until last week. A few late nights later and this is the result! I am sure I have forgotten a million things that I have loved/wanted/seen/bought/ got inspired by/made. Actually come to think of it I have made a lot recently but that will have to be for another day...

Thursday, 14 June 2012

I'm here still...

No post in the last million weeks... I must be up to something right? Well not much besides school work and with today being my first exam, I don't know why I've decided to start posting again now. But here are all the edited photos from the photo shoot! I hope you can recognise the green dress...! We'll see how all the time of holidays go and how many posts I manage to do. Ciao