Thursday, 25 August 2011

A Day at the Beach

I didn't originally plan to post photos of this outfit but when looking at them the other day I decided I would. Mainly for the jacket. I bought this jacket because I liked the idea of a denim jacket but knew I couldn't pull one off. So this is my alternative. You can't really see it in this picture but it kind of has a denimy look but with a lighter colour and material. The style is also a lot different from a denim jacket. OK so may be, it's not as similar as I thought but I think it works. These pants are also pretty deceiving. Do they look like harem cargo's? Well yes they do look like harem cargo's but in fact they are good old Target trackies and I love them. And I can't forget my beautiful dog, Daisy-Mae...


  1. Daisy-Mae is a beautiful dog. Love the trackies you ocka!!!!!!

  2. who would have thought they are target trackies?! but they looks amazing on you
