Sunday 1 January 2012

Weekly Wish List: Sail Away

CottonOn Gilligan Flat

First off, Happy new year! In a way I'm a little sad to say goodbye to what has been a year full of some great memories but of course with the good there was the bad so I am excited for what will be an even better 2012.  So now for my first post of 2012... (!) This week's item of want is a pair of boat shoes. They are perfect for summer and a little different from a pair of flats or the good old slip on sneaker. I found a style of them that I really like from CottonOn. I love that it's made from suede and I especially love the fringing. Even though you don't see it is much fringing is still in fashion. I never really got into the fringing trend but why not start now with these shoes. The one problem I do have is choosing which colour.  As you know I am loving burnt orange right now but I also love the summery light blue. Then there is the plain grey which would be good so as to be able to continue wearing them into winter. The thing about this style of shoe though is some can look grandma like, so you have to be careful when choosing. If I can decide which colour I want I may just treat myself to a new years gift...

Which colour do you like best, if any? Do you even like the style of shoe?

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